Work as Ministry
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. - Colossians 3:23-24
An important concept of the Kingdom of God is your work is your ministry.
Os Hillman said,
Somewhere along the line, Christians separated the sacred for the secular. In ancient Israel, Jehovah God occupied the center of the Israelites life. The tabernacle Moses erected was the central point of the Israeli camp, all the tribes were camped around the tabernacle.
Today, Christians "go" to church once or twice a week. They do not understand the church is not a place, it's who they are. Apostle Paul's revelation the church was the Body of Christ needs to be rediscovered, especially in the Western Church.
Once that revelation has been rediscovered, Christians will realize they no longer have a "secular" life and a "spiritual" life. The two go together, rather than being neatly divided into two separate lives.
Then Christians will be able to see their work life as an extension of His life in them. Christians they will be impacting those around them in the work place.
Let the Lord live in and through your work life today.
An important concept of the Kingdom of God is your work is your ministry.
Os Hillman said,
"The Bible is very clear that the purpose for our work life is to reflect Christ in and through our lives. It is an attitude that says our work is to have an overriding "ministry" objective to it. Our work is our worship to God. These two words even originate from the same Hebrew word, avodah."
Somewhere along the line, Christians separated the sacred for the secular. In ancient Israel, Jehovah God occupied the center of the Israelites life. The tabernacle Moses erected was the central point of the Israeli camp, all the tribes were camped around the tabernacle.
Today, Christians "go" to church once or twice a week. They do not understand the church is not a place, it's who they are. Apostle Paul's revelation the church was the Body of Christ needs to be rediscovered, especially in the Western Church.
Once that revelation has been rediscovered, Christians will realize they no longer have a "secular" life and a "spiritual" life. The two go together, rather than being neatly divided into two separate lives.
Then Christians will be able to see their work life as an extension of His life in them. Christians they will be impacting those around them in the work place.
Let the Lord live in and through your work life today.
Labels: christian entrepreneur, kingdom of god, marketplace ministry
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