Friday, February 15, 2008

Kingdom Business Journal

Once in a while, I come across a site or blog that really catches my attention. Today was no different, while I was surfing about Kingdom principles and business, I came upon Kingdom Business Journal. According to founder Rich Forster, Kingdom Business Journal's purpose is to promote, teach and share Kingdom principles for success and ministry in the Marketplace.

I couldn't agree more with Forster's purpose, more emphasis should be placed upon practical Christianty and how that fleshes out in the marketplace. Afterall, according to Forster, only 2% of North American Christians are in a paid position at a church.

With more than 20 contributing authors, Kingdom Business Journal will certainly have articles and resources to help you and your day-to-day life in the marketplace. I'm adding KBJ to my list of favorites, I believe this site will be a hit in the long run.

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