The Marketplace, The Storehouse and the Tithe
Pastors who promote this teaching use Malachi 3:10-12 to prove their point of view. They say the local church is equal to the "storehouse" in this passage. Aside from the fact I believe this is an extreme stretch of interpretation of scripture, let me add this thought to debunk their theory.
If the local church is the storehouse, funded by your tithe, why is it the flow into the storehouse is only one-way? Why is it the storehouse won't help you fund a business venture? Or invest in a proven Christian business that wants to expand?
I'll tell you why. Because the church today is outdated. They continue to hold onto the old tradition that came from the Dark Ages that separates the sacred from the secular. Hand in hand with that tradition is a separation from the clergy and the laity. The "full time" ministers, those who are paid by the people's tithes and offerings, do not consider anyone who is not in their elite club as true ministers. Furthermore, their concept and ideology of ministry is it's behind a pulpit within the four walls of the church.
This is wrong and not New Testament Christianity as revealed in the Book of Acts and forward to the end of the Book. Ministry takes place everyday, everywhere. Not just on Sunday. Ministry is supposed to be accomplished by everyone in the Body of Christ.
Ephesians 4:11-12 "And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ"Ministry is a whole lot more than preparing a sermon or acting as an usher for a church service. A whole lot more.
If you can accept the fact your job, your business is a ministry, it will change the way you think and it will enrich your faith from just a Sunday thing to an everyday, life-changing fact!
More than 99% of the Body of Christ spend a better portion of their day, whether its in an office, on a job site or in the home raising children, "on the job". That's where our ministry is, "on the job" and "in the marketplace".
The storehouse, in ancient Jewish culture, was a place to help people from. If the pastors of today want to call their churches a "storehouse", perhaps they should begin to help people with more than just a sermon and a handshake.
Labels: christian entrepreneur, Christian tithe, kingdom of god, marketplace ministry, tithe